ADG Lighting & Controls

ADG Lighting & Controls是一家专业的照明和智能家居控制供应商,涵盖所有产品线和技术. 我们与设计师合作, 电气承包商, Architects, General Contractors, Builders, 多户家庭和物业经理. 无论如何,ADG照明的使命 & Controls is to work with these customers and designers to make them successful in their endeavors. We use our lighting expertise to complete lighting projects successfully and on-time. We do this by engaging the customer early in the planning and design phase of a project. 我们继续通过定价/报价步骤,并必威靠谱吗“适合任务”的照明产品. We can source any product needed and are not committed to any one lighting supplier or technology.

ADG Lighting & Controls是亚特兰大设计集团旗下品牌

LED Lighting


今天,随着LED和控制技术的引入, 照明不仅仅是一个简单的灯具和灯泡. Lighting is a system. Lighting systems help people feel comfortable, productive and safe. 它们美化空间,改造环境. 作为LED技术革命的领导者, ADG创造了优先考虑能源效率的照明系统, sustainability, 降低运营成本. We focus on improving the livability and effectiveness of indoor and outdoor environments, 提供从功能性一般照明到壮观的色彩变化体验的一切,以提升品牌, 鼓励社会交往,振兴社区.

At ADG Lighting & Controls, 我们拥有深厚的专业知识和系统范围,可以将您的目标转化为有效的照明应用. 您可以依靠ADG了解您的目标,并帮助您指定和执行解决方案,确保为您的特定照明需求提供理想的照明.

The ADG Lighting Team:

我们是一个灯光设计师团队, specifiers, 在照明和控制系统方面拥有50多年经验的节能专家:

We Can Help You With:

  • Saving Money
  • 更聪明的光——用更少的钱做更多的事
  • Feel Secure
  • Improve & 改善建筑物/设施的外观
  • Provide You With A Systematic Solution That Doesn’t Sacrifice Look Or Design
  • Create The Right Mood

LED的改造是在社区开始实施提高能源效率战略的最简单和最快的方法之一. Payback for such implementation can be rapid and this helps to increase the property’s value.



LED Retrofits

Have you been thinking about an LED retrofit for your facility or property? 不知道该怎么做? 你来对地方了. LED灯正在广泛的照明应用中取代传统的照明技术. 它们对室内照明很有用, exterior lighting, 以及小型照明在机械上的应用. 用节能型LED解决方案改造您当前的照明可以为您节省高达80%的年度(重复)能源成本. 节省的成本是如此显著,你可以用现代LED技术改造你的设施,从而节省成本,从而为更换照明提供资金.

LED改造的三个主要优点. 提高能源效率2. reduction in recurring maintenance costs (both parts and labor), 3. 改善照明质量.

Examples of Savings:


  • 能源成本降低63%
  • 每年减少7 486美元的维修费用
  • 将照明转换为led的回扣为1880美元

Parking Lot Lighting:

  • 能源成本降低78%
  • 每年减少1 178美元的维修费用

Street Lighting:

  • 能源成本降低55%

在建筑物的使用寿命中,只有10%的运营成本用于实际购买设施. 剩下的90%由各种运营费用组成. 其中大部分是能源支出(供暖), 电费),而其他费用包括结构维护. 电费的费用, 照明是迄今为止最大的一个,将您的设施升级为led是您可以做出的最明智的投资之一.


亚特兰大设计集团可以成为当今最具创新性的照明和控制技术的单一来源供应商. 我们广泛的产品组合拥有点亮您的住宅和商业物业所需的一切-从厨房到储藏室, 卧室景观美化, multifamily leasing offices and rec rooms to parking garages to lobbys — we’ve got you covered! 照明是家庭或办公室的一个重要方面. 不管潜在的租户和业主是否意识到这一点, 它会影响一个人在空间中的体验. 一个适当照明的空间既诱人又实用. 灯光可以用来强调独特的特征, brighten up work areas, 并且大大提高了物业的安全感.

简化这个过程. Work with one company to develop your unique solution — hassle-free. An Atlanta Design Group lighting solution package offers many unique benefits: complete Residential, Multifamily, 商业产品组合, A+ Certification, ROI/节能机会识别, 个性化的服务, financing, 策划及售后服务.


Purchasing a house is a significant decision with various influencers. 为潜在的购房者做一个简单的决定. 适当的照明设计补充了家庭的最佳特征,并有助于提高家庭的美学和功能.

Entrys & Foyer

第一印象很关键! 门厅或入口通道为住宅的其他部分奠定了基础. 装饰性的普通照明与策略性的重点照明混搭,突出空间的建筑特色.

Living Rooms

在选择像客厅这样多功能空间的照明策略时,考虑如何使用空间是很重要的. Position downlights to direct a beam of light onto high traffic areas and task zones, 比如读书椅, over the coffee table, or over a desk. 避免在电视和沙发的正上方安装灯. 别忘了调光器! Dimmers allow you to transform the space to adapt to any occasion. Top it off with a dimmer to create the perfect transforming space that adapts to any occasion.


厨房通常是房子里人流量最大的区域,照明服务于各种用途是很重要的——从照亮你切菜的柜台, 营造良好的娱乐氛围, 照亮孩子们完成作业的酒吧.

Bathroom & Hallway

Hallways -每个家庭的高流量区域, you should ensure that hallways and stairways have proper lighting. Flush mounts, downlights, linear wraps, 轨道照明都适用于走廊应用.

Bathrooms -我们知道高质量照明是浴室应用的关键. We have designed an LED Vanity collection that delivers high-quality, 均匀照明,这样你就能在最好的光线下看清自己.

Bedroom & Closets

Traditionally, the décor objective for bedrooms has been to create a calming retreat; however, 许多卧室继承了许多其他功能. 卧室已经演变成多功能空间, 选择满足所有需求的照明是很重要的. 层层叠叠的光线对于创造一个多功能的卧室空间是必不可少的——柔和的重点照明可以提供完美的放松氛围, an overhead flush mount is perfect to brighten up the entire space evenly, 任务照明为桌子和阅读椅提供照明.

Garage & Storage

仓库和车库需要明亮的工作照明. 取决于空间的大小, 灯罩一种一般的照明装置,如耐用的线形灯罩, flush mount, strip light or garage light is ideal for these utility applications. 在工作台上直接安装一个照明灯将提供明亮的工作照明,并防止工作区域出现阴影.


Extend the functionality of a space beyond of the interior square footage. 户外照明可以用来照亮户外生活空间, highlight architectural features and enhance the safety and security around a home. Wet location recessed downlights and flush mounts are ideal for covered decks and porches.


我们知道多户住宅行业是一个竞争激烈的市场. Catching the eye of potential tenants and owners is getting increasingly difficult. New residents are looking for an affordable, clean, conveniently located and safe place to live. 有效的户外照明是阻止犯罪的关键. 有效的照明可以通过突出建筑特征和在物业周围提供安全照明来提高安全性,从而使物业更受欢迎.

Living Spaces

Tenants seeking luxury rental properties expect wellplanned design and features throughout the space. 整个生活空间的节能筒灯提供了家具放置和个性化装饰的多功能性. Modern, 装饰装置为空间增添了一层精致感, 使它更受租户和潜在业主的欢迎.

Lobbies & Common Areas

我们了解多户住宅房地产开发, and the high risk, 高回报性质的业务.

We know your #1 goal is to maximize rental income and minimize expenses. This is achieved by maintaining high occupancy rates and attracting and retaining good tenants. Did you know that lighting is one of the most influential factors in this equation?

适当的照明可以节省能源,大大减少维护,同时使您的财产安全, secure and beautiful, ultimately increasing the value and desirability to potential tenants.

Interior Hallways

Today’s multifamily complexes have more and more amenities to attract tenants. 这些公共空间需要特定的照明需求,必须符合当地的商业法规. Spaces such as lobbies, business centers, 租赁办公室和游戏室, prefer more decorative lighting to highlight the architecture and design of the space. Remember, these spaces are often the first impression a potential tenant has of the interior of the building. 许多房客都在寻找一套现代化的房子, well-maintained, well-lit space that confirms the property’s emphasis on effective property management, 时尚的设施和安全.


社区设施,如游泳池, playgrounds, tennis courts and clubhouses help set the community apart and attract owners and tenants. Lighting these spaces with LED ensures years of maintenance-free high-quality lighting. Enhance safety and security in the shared community spaces with motion-sensing LED lighting.

Parking Lots

犯罪率与财产价值的下降有关, decreasing neighbor perceptions and increasing resident instability. 对犯罪的头号威慑是照明. 安全专家发现,光线充足的空间犯罪率较低,同时也增加了租户对社区的信心.


Professional service firms require their office spaces to be professional, elegant, 功能和前沿. 建筑照明是关键. 亚特兰大设计集团提供建筑照明装置和建筑控制,帮助您的建筑脱颖而出,使您的公司在客户和人才中闪耀.


办公大厅可能很小, 但一旦客人走出电梯或走进你的办公室,他们就会为客户和员工做好准备. Proper lighting can help make the right impression by creating a welcoming, functioning space. 从引人注目的定制作品到柔和的吊坠, the Atlanta Design Group’s lobby lighting solutions meet practically any need. 我们简单的墙站和控制设计用于与我们的固定装置一起工作,以便在前台获得更大的安心.

Private Office

私人办公室的照明需要提供一致, 办公桌周围的光线质量令人愉悦, with low contrast so that it doesn’t reflect off monitors and mobile devices. 一个理想的方案是在不引入眩光的情况下平衡整体环境,并将包括舒适和能源效率的日光. Lighting a private office is simple with Atlanta Design Group’s broad portfolio of luminaires, 充满了杰出的设计和性能属性, 所有这些都是通过集成传感器和网络控制的.

Open Office

The way people work in the office has evolved and so has office lighting and controls. 开放式办公室正趋向于模块化和可重构. 区域被细分,通常没有实体墙. 工作空间被重新塑造,以适应新的任务和不断变化的团队. Today’s efficient office lighting is being used to visually define spaces while helping save energy. 易于编程的控制提高性能, 提高能源效率并实现广泛的定制. Atlanta Design Group delivers smart lighting systems for the changing needs of a dynamic office.

Conference Room

Client meetings, team huddles, even birthday parties are all hosted in conference rooms. 这些多用途空间需要易于控制的光线层,以便在合适的时间创造合适的环境. Since conference rooms also provide opportunities to showcase a brand to customers, 建筑灯具,做一个声明, 除了提供高质量的光, are appropriate. And, of course, 会议室的照明需要节能, 今天的解决方案使这比以往任何时候都更容易.

Stairwell & Corridor

Corridors, 走廊和楼梯井把人们从A点送到B点, efficiently and safely, and they are often paths of egress where lighting requirements are stringent. But these areas within an office facility can also be the site of impromptu meetings and conversations. ADG’s wide product portfolio of energy-efficient LED lighting and controls means you can balance form, 功能和安全性来自单一来源.

Parking Lots

今天,办公室停车场和员工停车场提供了独特的机会来真正促进办公空间的节能. 新型节能LED停车灯具提供明亮, 即使是更高亮度的照明,也能让员工觉得自己更安全,他们的车也更安全. 室外照明控制有助于确保你不会超支.

ADG Lighting & Controls
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